Shipping Policy

  • Purchases are shipped from our warehouse in Agra by reputed courier service agencies. All domestic orders are processed within 1 business day. You can expect delivery of the order within 3-7 business hours. For remote locations, deliveries may take between 3-7 business hours. You will find the expected delivery date of your package on the tracking portal of the courier service, once it is shipped. Goods will need to be signed for upon delivery. If you cannot be there to sign for your delivery, please suggest an alternative i.e. a family member, colleague, neighbour, etc. We highly recommend that you sign and collect your package by yourself, upon delivery. Panchi Petha takes no responsibility for packages signed by anyone except the customer.
  • We offer free shipping on all orders across India on order above 499.
  • While we try our best to fulfil your orders correctly and in the best manner possible, for any complaints with regards to your order, please contact our Customer Support team at within 10 business days of your order delivery and we’ll happy to replace your order.